Top 10 Health Benefits of Coconut Oil

Top 10 Health Benefits of Coconut Oil

Top 10 Health Benefits of Coconut Oil Boosts Immunity Controls Blood Sugar Lower Cholesterol Treats Candida Nourishes Hair Aids Digestion Removes Stretch Marks Increases Bone Strength Combats Alzheimer’s Disease Promotes Weight...
Health benefits of Juicing

Health benefits of Juicing

Health benefits of Juicing Weight Loss Boosting Immunity Better Digestion Sleep Better Decrease Allergies Help with Women’s Issues Help with Chronic illness Balance Skin Conditions Healthier Hair Improved Nail Strength Decrease in Body Odor Increase in Energy...
Don’t Reheat Rice from a Restaurant

Don’t Reheat Rice from a Restaurant

Danger! Don’t Reheat Rice from a Restaurant. Bringing home rice is dangerous, especially if you don’t know how it was prepared. The rice has the opportunity to set at room temperature before it can be refrigerated, which allows toxic spores to germinate. If you take...
Honey Lemon Facial Hair Removal

Honey Lemon Facial Hair Removal

1. Mix 1 tbs honey and a few drops of fresh lemon juice. 2. Apply like a mask on the face. 3. Leave it on for about 15 minutes and then rinse off. 4. Repeat 2-3 times a week for 2-4 weeks to eliminate facial hair...
AWESOME Ways to Use Cucumbers

AWESOME Ways to Use Cucumbers

WHO KNEW CUCUMBERS COULD DO ALL THIS!!! Spice up your 8 glasses per day of water with a slice or two of cucumber. It’s wonderfully refreshing, but there are amazing benefits to cucumber as well. Cucumbers are cooler than you think … SHARE THIS AWESOME...
8 Health Benefits of Eating Mangoes

8 Health Benefits of Eating Mangoes

8 Health Benefits of Eating Mangoes Mango Prevent obesity~ Mango contains a sufficient quantity of fiber, which causes slow absorption of sugar into the blood stream; helps reducing appetite, maintain blood sugar levels resulting in controlling body weight. When the...