The Healing Power of Water You Might Not Know

The Healing Power of Water You Might Not Know

2 glasses of water after waking up- helps activate internal organs. 1 glass of water 30 minutes before meal- helps digestion. 1 glass of water before taking bath- helps lower blood pressure. 1 glass of water before going to bed- avoids stroke or heart...


WHEATGRASS GETS RID OF GRAY HAIR We all know the great benefits that wheatgrass gives to your body. It is always great to find out about benefits that you may not know about. One that many may not know about are the positive benefits for your hair. Many people mix...
7 Health Benefits of Oranges

7 Health Benefits of Oranges

The Health Benefits of Oranges – Packed with fiber to promote healthy digestion – Full of folate to help the body form red blood cells – A good source of immune-boosting vitamin C – Contains potassium to ensure a healthy heart – Keeps...
12 Symptoms of Kidney Disease You Shouln’t Ignore

12 Symptoms of Kidney Disease You Shouln’t Ignore

Most people are not aware of the fact that kidney diseases can be silent killers. They may not show any symptoms for a long time till the situation becomes critical. It is important to recognize the symptoms of kidney diseases to catch them early. Here is a list of...
10 Benefits of LIME / LEMON WATER

10 Benefits of LIME / LEMON WATER

• Boost Immune System • Prevent Cancer • Increase Energy • Improve Digestion • Balance PH • Lower Blood Pressure • Improve Liver Function • Reduce Oxidative stress • Detoxification • Regulate Bowel...
Papaya for Uric Acid Problem

Papaya for Uric Acid Problem

Papaya for Uric Acid Problem Just try it if you’ve got uric acid after all no harm done. This is a really effective, just mix green papaya cubes to the ordinary green tea, my cousin-brother tried and found it very effective. I have also shared with a friend with...
Secret Health Benefits of Guava Fruit

Secret Health Benefits of Guava Fruit

Guavas are low in calories and fats but contain several vital vitamins, minerals, and antioxidant poly-phenolic and flavonoid compounds that play a pivotal role in prevention of cancers, anti-aging, immune-booster, etc. The fruit is very rich source of soluble dietary...
21 Health Benefits of Turmeric

21 Health Benefits of Turmeric

Natural antiinflamAtatory Natural antibiotic Natural antiseptic Natural analgesic Speeds up vvound healing Improves digestion Blood purifier Strengthens ligaments Skin tonic Helps coughs improves asthma Antiart4ritic Slows’progression of MS Helps prevent...